Agriculture still early in nomadic communities is by hunting, fishing, and gathering food that falls from the tree. The birth of commercial farming in the Middle Ages was driven by improved communications, commercial revolution, and the increase in the urban population in western Europe, so the change from subsistence to commercial farming.

In this pattern, the technology becomes a source of growth in agricultural production. As agriculture has evolved into an increasingly complex activities, it develops its own activities, so that for example we know the fields of agronomy, horticulture, entomology, animal husbandry, agriculture machines (agricultural engineering), the problem of soil fertility and agricultural economy.
Agriculture is also associated with the land issue (landholding) or agrarian. It became the entry point into the world of a model agriculture issues. Agricultural model later also developed into a distinct branch of science.
There are two models of agriculture model approach, namely:
(1) Technical-economic analysis models. On this view, the farm is calculated in the context of profit and loss, so that the indicator is a result of production, value of production, the costs of development, investment needs, and others.
(2) The institutional model. Here institutional concern in resource allocation, and the orientation of development or investment activities. Institutional becomes a determinant variable overall activity.
In textbooks in schools is often stated that the developing country is an agricultural country. Based on the characteristics of natural resources and its people, as well as "position" in the world economic order, should indeed agriculture is the leading sector development.
However, it seems inadequate attention to agriculture. This is due to the paradigm that the progress of a country is indicated by how the proportion of people's income from industrial and services sectors. "The development model is considered correct is capable of increasing the contribution of the industrial sector and 'down' contribution of the agricultural sector".
One fundamental mistake made during the developing countries is due to the development of the agricultural sector "lumped" with other sectors. Should be based on the conditions and needs, so that agricultural development should be designed as something that is typical of developing countries.
Our protection to the farmers themselves weak. The United States for example, has issued the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 as a form of protection against agricultural uniqueness.
Similarly, Japan. This is one of the paradoxes of development, because the developed countries that rely on the industrial sector, extremely precisely to protect farmers and agriculture.
Green Revolution

By using efficiently technology, is expected to achieve an increase in production and productivity. Thus, in the green revolution occurred cropping pattern changes with pressure to efficiency. The goal is to help developing countries feed themselves due to population pressure continues to increase.
The green revolution began when the Rockefeller Foundation and the Mexican government set up the Cooperative Wheat Research and Production Program to increase agricultural production, in 1944.
The success of this wheat production in Mexico, followed by development programs in India and Pakistan, and claimed to have been able to save 1 billion people from starvation. The program is mainly grown in Africa and Asia, which broke out in the 1960s.
An expert who designed all at once becoming active participants of the green revolution is Prof. Norman Borlaug, who for his efforts was awarded the Nobel prize in 1970.
According to the FAO, the green revolution has taught the farmers the world how important technological innovation that successfully deliver farmers through increased farming efficiency and income. Increased productivity, living standards and sustainable economic growth as a result of the green revolution has lifted millions out of poverty entanglement.
Nevertheless, the green revolution is also a lot of criticism. The criticism came mainly from environmentalists, about the decline in biodiversity diversity (biodiversity) and the quality of food, the reliance on fossil fuels are increasing, as well as the excessive use of chemical fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides.
The effect on the environment is the increase in pollution due to the residual chemicals in water and soil, land degradation due to the use of continuous, intensive irrigation, soil microorganism death due to excessive chemical, and soil erosion.
Criticism of the social side, is the imbalance, because small-scale farms can not compete with large-scale farming more efficient. In addition, it also occurs a high dependence on off-farm inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.
This dependence is even happening on a macro scale, the developing countries dependent on the state of the farm input manufacturers are generally developed countries.
Thanks to the green revolution, in 1984 developing countries have recognized self sufficient in rice by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Movement Guidance core of three main components, namely the use of technology, implementation of good pricing policy for inputs and results, as well as credit and infrastructure support from the government.
Along with the criticism of the green revolution, too much criticism of Guidance Program. Movement Guidance failing to improve the welfare of farmers as a whole because it is too oriented to increase production.
Although it is often said that technology is neutral, but the greatest benefit gained extensive landowners, and get rid of small farmers and agricultural laborers. In addition, the Guidance program is expensive.
This program may be a loss, if calculated between the acquisition of benefit to the economic and social costs that have been incurred. Environmental damage also occurred, particularly in water and soil due to the use of pesticides and fertilizers that are not controlled.

However, if the study of fundamental aspects, the main source of error is the more popular agricultural development models oriented economic development faster growth to increase production and income (GDP and GNP), but not accompanied by equity and social justice.
Although on the one hand to achieve an increase in production, but if the number of poor people has not decreased, the overall development of agriculture will be threatened.

The term refers to the process of organic farming which uses methods highly appreciate the environmental aspects, ranging from the production phase. He did not merely think about the production, but considering the whole system to produce up to deliver to the consumer.
Organic agriculture based on the principle of minimizing the use of external inputs, as well as avoiding the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. He wants to minimize the pollution of air, soil, and water. His main concern is to "human health" and "food productivity".
Thus, it can be said, through agriculture oragnik actually contained a desire to be independent. That is, there is a desire to escape from dependence on manufacturers of various inputs of production facilities controlled by capitalist companies of the world. So philosophically, organic agriculture is one of the media to counter the might of liberalism-capitalist globalization.
In developing countries, after Guidance program, has several agricultural development concept rolled out. Two of them are corporate farming and agropolitan. Corporate Farming is a model farm management consolidation with the aim of increasing efficiency, ie the unification of business management so that it can meet the economies of scale to be managed in a modern and applying advanced technology. It is a form of economic cooperation with a group of farmers to agribusiness orientation.
Meanwhile, Agropolitan a form that combines the concept of development of the region with the development of agriculture, where farming activities as a basis for regional development.
In one unit Agropolitan do zoning commodities produced one major commodities and commodities support in accordance with the natural and human characteristics. In the agro-industrial activity growth centers built, while rural areas are encouraged to form business units are organized in a cooperative, or in small and medium enterprises.
The key to success is to enforce Agropolitan development as an independent autonomous unit, which is economically capable of regulating planning and implementation of its own agricultural development, integrated and synergistic with the overall system development territory.
In this pattern, the technology becomes a source of growth in agricultural production. As agriculture has evolved into an increasingly complex activities, it develops its own activities, so that for example we know the fields of agronomy, horticulture, entomology, animal husbandry, agriculture machines (agricultural engineering), the problem of soil fertility and agricultural economy.
Agriculture is also associated with the land issue (landholding) or agrarian. It became the entry point into the world of a model agriculture issues. Agricultural model later also developed into a distinct branch of science.
There are two models of agriculture model approach, namely:
(1) Technical-economic analysis models. On this view, the farm is calculated in the context of profit and loss, so that the indicator is a result of production, value of production, the costs of development, investment needs, and others.
(2) The institutional model. Here institutional concern in resource allocation, and the orientation of development or investment activities. Institutional becomes a determinant variable overall activity.
In textbooks in schools is often stated that the developing country is an agricultural country. Based on the characteristics of natural resources and its people, as well as "position" in the world economic order, should indeed agriculture is the leading sector development.
However, it seems inadequate attention to agriculture. This is due to the paradigm that the progress of a country is indicated by how the proportion of people's income from industrial and services sectors. "The development model is considered correct is capable of increasing the contribution of the industrial sector and 'down' contribution of the agricultural sector".
One fundamental mistake made during the developing countries is due to the development of the agricultural sector "lumped" with other sectors. Should be based on the conditions and needs, so that agricultural development should be designed as something that is typical of developing countries.
Our protection to the farmers themselves weak. The United States for example, has issued the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 as a form of protection against agricultural uniqueness.
Similarly, Japan. This is one of the paradoxes of development, because the developed countries that rely on the industrial sector, extremely precisely to protect farmers and agriculture.
Green Revolution
The green revolution is an umbrella of agricultural development that took place in various parts of the world during the second half of the 20th century green revolution is increasing agricultural productivity by applying technology, namely the use of superior seeds (high-yield varieties), increasing doses and diverse types of fertilizer and pharmaceuticals, agricultural mechanization, and a variety of other techniques.
By using efficiently technology, is expected to achieve an increase in production and productivity. Thus, in the green revolution occurred cropping pattern changes with pressure to efficiency. The goal is to help developing countries feed themselves due to population pressure continues to increase.
The green revolution began when the Rockefeller Foundation and the Mexican government set up the Cooperative Wheat Research and Production Program to increase agricultural production, in 1944.
The success of this wheat production in Mexico, followed by development programs in India and Pakistan, and claimed to have been able to save 1 billion people from starvation. The program is mainly grown in Africa and Asia, which broke out in the 1960s.
An expert who designed all at once becoming active participants of the green revolution is Prof. Norman Borlaug, who for his efforts was awarded the Nobel prize in 1970.
According to the FAO, the green revolution has taught the farmers the world how important technological innovation that successfully deliver farmers through increased farming efficiency and income. Increased productivity, living standards and sustainable economic growth as a result of the green revolution has lifted millions out of poverty entanglement.
Nevertheless, the green revolution is also a lot of criticism. The criticism came mainly from environmentalists, about the decline in biodiversity diversity (biodiversity) and the quality of food, the reliance on fossil fuels are increasing, as well as the excessive use of chemical fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides.
The effect on the environment is the increase in pollution due to the residual chemicals in water and soil, land degradation due to the use of continuous, intensive irrigation, soil microorganism death due to excessive chemical, and soil erosion.
Criticism of the social side, is the imbalance, because small-scale farms can not compete with large-scale farming more efficient. In addition, it also occurs a high dependence on off-farm inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.
This dependence is even happening on a macro scale, the developing countries dependent on the state of the farm input manufacturers are generally developed countries.
Thanks to the green revolution, in 1984 developing countries have recognized self sufficient in rice by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Movement Guidance core of three main components, namely the use of technology, implementation of good pricing policy for inputs and results, as well as credit and infrastructure support from the government.
Along with the criticism of the green revolution, too much criticism of Guidance Program. Movement Guidance failing to improve the welfare of farmers as a whole because it is too oriented to increase production.
Although it is often said that technology is neutral, but the greatest benefit gained extensive landowners, and get rid of small farmers and agricultural laborers. In addition, the Guidance program is expensive.
This program may be a loss, if calculated between the acquisition of benefit to the economic and social costs that have been incurred. Environmental damage also occurred, particularly in water and soil due to the use of pesticides and fertilizers that are not controlled.
Sustainable Agricultural Development
Based on lessons learned from the weakness of the green revolution, then and then rolling the concept of "Sustainable Agricultural Development". Damage to natural resources, especially soil fertility degradation due to overexploitation, would threaten the survival of agricultural production.
Based on lessons learned from the weakness of the green revolution, then and then rolling the concept of "Sustainable Agricultural Development". Damage to natural resources, especially soil fertility degradation due to overexploitation, would threaten the survival of agricultural production.
However, if the study of fundamental aspects, the main source of error is the more popular agricultural development models oriented economic development faster growth to increase production and income (GDP and GNP), but not accompanied by equity and social justice.
Although on the one hand to achieve an increase in production, but if the number of poor people has not decreased, the overall development of agriculture will be threatened.
Organic Agriculture (Organic Farming)
In line with the concept of sustainable development, a concept initiated another "organic farming". Organic agriculture is "a holistic production management system the which promotes and enhances ecosystem health, Including biological cycles and soil biological activity".
In line with the concept of sustainable development, a concept initiated another "organic farming". Organic agriculture is "a holistic production management system the which promotes and enhances ecosystem health, Including biological cycles and soil biological activity".
The term refers to the process of organic farming which uses methods highly appreciate the environmental aspects, ranging from the production phase. He did not merely think about the production, but considering the whole system to produce up to deliver to the consumer.
Organic agriculture based on the principle of minimizing the use of external inputs, as well as avoiding the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. He wants to minimize the pollution of air, soil, and water. His main concern is to "human health" and "food productivity".
Thus, it can be said, through agriculture oragnik actually contained a desire to be independent. That is, there is a desire to escape from dependence on manufacturers of various inputs of production facilities controlled by capitalist companies of the world. So philosophically, organic agriculture is one of the media to counter the might of liberalism-capitalist globalization.
In developing countries, after Guidance program, has several agricultural development concept rolled out. Two of them are corporate farming and agropolitan. Corporate Farming is a model farm management consolidation with the aim of increasing efficiency, ie the unification of business management so that it can meet the economies of scale to be managed in a modern and applying advanced technology. It is a form of economic cooperation with a group of farmers to agribusiness orientation.
Meanwhile, Agropolitan a form that combines the concept of development of the region with the development of agriculture, where farming activities as a basis for regional development.
In one unit Agropolitan do zoning commodities produced one major commodities and commodities support in accordance with the natural and human characteristics. In the agro-industrial activity growth centers built, while rural areas are encouraged to form business units are organized in a cooperative, or in small and medium enterprises.
The key to success is to enforce Agropolitan development as an independent autonomous unit, which is economically capable of regulating planning and implementation of its own agricultural development, integrated and synergistic with the overall system development territory.
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